Raw Cherry Pie

Happy 4th of July! The long weekend is here and we’re looking forward to relaxing with friends and family. While you’re celebrating, don’t forget to treat yourself to a festive dessert like this Raw Cherry Pie.

Holidays are notorious for being filled with lots of sweet treats. It’s not unusual to go a bit overboard (and no judgment if you do — holidays are for indulging!) and wake up the next day inflamed, hungover, and hurting.

This can be rough for anyone, but especially for anyone who’s sensitive to sugar. Being prepared with low-sugar options offer great sweet tooth-satisfying alternatives that won’t leave you or your guests feeling wrecked later.

This Raw Cherry Pie is the perfect naturally-sweetened option! Cherries are in season right now, which means they’re at their most nutrient-dense. These low-glycemic summer fruits are high in fiber, vitamin C, and polyphenols.

We’ve noticed a lot of fruit-phobia going around in the clean eating and wellness communities, fueled by a fear of sugar. For most people, fruit is nothing to fear — it really is a natural dessert, and its fiber content will prevent those nasty blood sugar spikes and crashes. A fruit-sweetened dessert or fruit-based snack are perfect ways to quickly satisfy your sweet tooth.

This recipe is gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, paleo and delicious! It’s nothing like the unnaturally red, sickly syrupy-sweet cherry pies of the past. It will make the perfect centerpiece to any 4th of July spread.

With love and cherry goodness,

The Conscious Cleanse Team

Raw Cherry Pie

Yield: 8 servings


In a food processor fitted with an S-blade, combine raw walnuts, dates, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and sea salt until smooth. Press mixture evenly into a pie dish, and refrigerate for about 1 hour or until crust is firm. Meanwhile, in the food processor fitted with an S-blade, combine cherries and honey. Pour into chilled crust, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

Variation: You can easily substitute the cherries in this recipe for blackberries, blueberries, or if you are feeling really adventurous, try a mixed berry medley.

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